On Wednesday 29th. January 2025, a Megamouth Shark (Megachasma pelagios) from Tsushimashi, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan. Photos show a Female of circa 500cm. Report says the shark was found caught in net and released alive.
Whilst being the first from this area, this is the 31st record for Japan. This brings the total of Megamouths known to 295 since their first discovery in 1976 in Hawaii.
My thanks to Numaguchi Asako for the report.
Full details of all records can be seen at https://www.sharkmans-world.org/The-Megamouth-Shark/
30th Jan. 2025. Although the Shark was released, it was found dead in the bay the next day. Nagasaki University recovered the shark for further study. Video link https://youtu.be/bUNZkEQuu7c
30th Jan. 2025. Although the Shark was released, it was found dead in the bay the next day. Nagasaki University recovered the shark for further study. Video link https://youtu.be/bUNZkEQuu7c